01543 278071 office@fiveways.staffs.sch.uk


The 2024 Caroline Bowers Art Award

It was lovely to see so many pupils and family members in school on Wednesday 3rd July during our Open Evening.  The Caroline Bowers annual Art Prize presentation ceremony took place in our Art Gallery, before our Open Evening commenced.  It was a very special and unique occasion for staff, parents and our extremely talented pupils who were nominated to have their art work displayed in Caroline's gallery.  We were very proud to welcome Mr Roy Bowers and one of his sons, Tom, who both attended the presentation; they were very impressed by the level of outstanding art work on display.  I am pleased to announce that this year, there were 2 overall winners of the Caroline Bowers Art Prize 2024, due to both pieces of art work being outstanding.  The winners were Emma Brown, who is in Year 6, and Mykola Koshevoi, who is in Year 5.  

Emma and Mykola are photographed here with Mr Bowers, his son Tom, and myself.  Well done to Emma and Mykola and to all of the pupils who have their art work displayed in our gallery.

KS2 Artwork - April 2024

Roz, who is an artist from Complex Simplicity, worked with pupils in KS2 throughout the day creating a piece of artwork for ‘Staffordshire Day’, which is celebrated on 1st May.  The day was organised by ‘We Are Staffordshire’ for their ‘Create Something’ project.  Pupils discussed what their local area meant to them and local landmarks, with the popular choice being Cannock Chase.  Roz pieced together the collaborative work completed by our pupils on a large canvas, which will be displayed at Lichfield Cathedral during Staffordshire Day 2024 (Monday 29th April to Monday 6th May).  Pictured here (left to right): Ella H, Holly H and Poppy R.  Well done to our very artistic and talented pupils who took part in this project!

Christmas Card Competition 2023

Five Ways Primary School took part in a Christmas Card Competition for Amanda Milling the MP for Cannock Chase.

We are delighted to announce that Charlotte Gray's design was chosen as Runner Up.  

Well done Charlotte!


The 2023 Caroline Bowers Art Award

I am pleased to announce that the overall winner of the Caroline Bowers Art Prize 2023 went to Adanna Eruo, who is a Year 6 pupil.  If you have not already done so, please make a special visit to our dual purpose gallery and library to see all of the wonderful art work produced by pupils from Nursery to Year 6. 

Adanna is photographed here with her parents, Mr Bowers and his son, and myself.  Well done to Adanna and to all of the pupils who have their work displayed in our gallery. Adanna's art work is entitled 'Flawless.' Well done Adanna!

The 2022 Caroline Bowers Art Award

We were very proud to welcome Mr Roy Bowers and one of his sons, Tom, who both attended the ceremony; they were very impressed by the level of outstanding art work on display.  I am pleased to announce that the overall winner of the Caroline Bowers Art Prize 2022, went to Freya Priddle, who is a Year 6 pupil.  If you have not already done so, please make a special visit to our dual purpose gallery and library to see all of the wonderful art work produced by pupils from Nursery to Year 6.

Freya is photographed here with Mr Bowers, Tom, Mrs Priddle and Mrs Mander.  Freya’s outstanding piece of art work can be seen mounted on the wall behind us. It is entitled ‘Summer.’  Well done Freya!

The 2020 and 2021 Caroline Bowers Art Award

2021 Pupil Winner: Elysia-Mae Peters

We were proud to hold our presentation ceremony for the 2020 Art Award as well as the 2021 Art Award.  Both award ceremonies had been postponed due to the pandemic however, on Wednesday 29th June, the presentation evening took place.  I am pleased to inform you that the winning artists were as follows:

2020 Pupil Winner: Charlotte Gray 

2020 Pupil and their Family Winner: The Christopher Family

2020 Parent Winner: Mrs Gray

2020 Staff Winner: Mrs Gosling

2020 Staff and their Family Winner as well as the Overall 2020 Winner: Miss Jones and Family

Christmas Card Competition

Five Ways Primary School took part in a Christmas Card Competition for Amanda Milling the MP for Cannock Chase.

We are delighted to announce that Elysia-Mae Peters' design was chosen as Runner Up.  

Well done Elysia-Mae!



Caroline Bowers Art Gallery

Caroline Bowers was a dedicated and talented teacher at Five Ways. She believed that every child deserved to have their talents recognised, whether in the arts, music, sport or in their academic ability.

In Caroline's memory, the Caroline Bowers Art Prize is awarded annually to the child who has produced the most outstanding piece of art.

Nominations from 2017 are displayed in the Key Stage 2 Library.



Lydia Higho   

Winning Art work from 2017

Rachel Bates

 Winning Art work from 2018

Rachel Bates

 Winning Art work from 2019






Centenary of World War 1

Our poppy field was to commemorate the fallen soldiers in World War One.  Key Stage 2 pupils painted a poppy to be part of our commemorative display.  There were displayed outside in Katie's Garden throughout November and December.




Collaborative School Patchwork

During an Art Enrichment Day, pupils throughout the school were asked to produce a square of fabric for this patchwork display.  The theme was nature, as you can see there were lots of different ideas, ranging from animals and insects to plants and weather.

The patchwork is displayed in the Key Stage 2 Hall for everyone to see.