Five Ways 70th Anniversary - 05/01/2025
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We had an amazing time on Friday 29th November 2024 when we celebrated our 70th Anniversary since Five Ways School opened. Here are the photographs of everyone having a lovely time.
Nursery celebrated our big birthday with a party morning! They made party hats, played games and enjoyed some delicious party food!
The children in Reception enjoyed celebrating our 70th birthday as well. Using the loose parts, they made the number 70 in lots of different ways. The children were very excited to see pictures of their classrooms being built and enjoyed talking about how Five Ways had changed over the years. Well done everyone!
As part of a whole school project, Year 1 made their own self portrait using Pop Art. Here is Olivia, Harlee, Mila and Ava with their portraits. We cannot wait to see the finished collaboration in the Key Stage 2 Hall very soon!
To celebrate our 70th birthday, some children in Year 2 wrote about themselves for the time capsule challenge. They also found out about the history of our school and went for a walk to look at our buildings and grounds. Children designed a celebration cupcake and enjoyed eating one too! We also contributed to our whole school Pop Art project and created our own face in a Pop Art style.
Year 3 children had a fantastic time too. They took on the role of a surveyor and focussed on the different materials the school site was made out, considering the reason why these materials were selected. Each class completed a geometric piece of artwork based on the number 70. Each class were visited by Mrs Whitehouse, who was a former pupil who attended Five Ways! She shared her memories of the school and enjoyed telling the children about the school pets, including a donkey named Jenny.
Year 4 children spent their day learning about the history of Five Ways. The children enjoyed looking at old photos and discussing how the school had changed so much in the past 70 years! They spoke about similarities and differences between the school building now and the school building in the past. During the morning, they had a visit from Mrs Whitehouse, who used to attend Five Ways as a child. The children enjoyed listening to her stories about Jennie the Donkey and the previous headmaster, Mr Hancock. The Year 4 children created some beautiful pieces of collaborative artwork to celebrate the occasion and spent time during the week commencing 2nd December, preparing a piece of writing titled, ‘A Day in the life of a child at Five Ways’ to be placed into the Five Ways Time Capsule.
Year 5 enjoyed their celebrations too! Children completed a walking tour of the school grounds and compared and contrasted the different buildings around the site. They compared school logos past and present and designed their own. Mrs Lindsay’s class also had a visit from our school Governor, Mrs Labon, who shared some wonderful memoires and photographs of her time as a pupil at Five Ways. Year 5 children also made the number 70 out of 70 items around the classroom. Well done everyone!
Year 6 enjoyed creating their part of the collaborative, whole-school piece of artwork to mark our celebrations. Year 6 created the number 70 out of books they are currently reading to help celebrate our 70th birthday. What is a birthday without cake! Here are Year some Year 6 children enjoying a cupcake at the end of the day, kindly made by our school catering team.