Harvest - 10/10/2019
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Harvest collection.
Pupils at Five Ways learn about Harvest Festivals and the positive impact they can have upon caring for others that live in our community. For this reason, I would like to ask families to support our annual Harvest Fundraising Campaign by donating food that will be distributed to the local community by Pastor John Tyrell and his volunteers. Suitable items to donate include tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tinned soup, long-life milk, pasta/rice pots and pasta sauces etc. All donations will be displayed in our Art Gallery for pupils to see before being passed to Mr Tyrell to distribute. Please send any donations into school with your child by 24th October and their classteacher will arrange for them to be sent to the gallery to be displayed. Any donations will be much appreciated and will really make a big difference to local people in need. Thank you for your support.