01543 278071 office@fiveways.staffs.sch.uk

Village Scarecrow Trail - 08/11/2022

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You may be aware that the Friends of Heath Hayes Park organised a scarecrow trail that the community could enjoy during the half term break.  I am pleased to inform you that some year groups at Five Ways contributed to the trail, and had their scarecrows displayed along the railings of the Friends of Heath Hayes Park.  I am also delighted to announce that the scarecrow produced by our Year 3 pupils, was judged as the winning scarecrow out of all other local schools!  This is an excellent achievement.  You can see the Year 3 scarecrow below along with other scarecrows that were made by pupils at Five Ways.

The winning scarecrow, produced by Year 3, was based on the story ‘Find your Happy’ written by Emily Coxhead.  You can see this scarecrow in the first photograph dressed in pink.